Diabetes... Insulin Link To Hearing and Vision Impairment... 

Iron Overload... And The Role Of Parasites And Potty Training...

Things To Know... 

More Pieces To The Puzzle...

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Note to readers:   There was a LOT of information on this page, but I urged you to take the time to read it... absolutely critical information for all to be aware of!  Also, read the critical paper on Redefining The Role Of Insulin:  Could It Play A Major Role In Metal Detoxification (absolutely a must read!).

The more I learn about autism, the more I am convinced that diabetes, hemochromatosis and yes, even parasites, also very much fits into this puzzle - especially given that my own son, Zachary, was born low on glucose - a clear sign of an insulin problem - from day 1, and that I now knew insulin and iron modulated one another!

Indeed, studies are now linking diabetes to vaccines also.




Note that insulin affected many, many aspects human functioning.   In the unborn child, insulin problems (i.e., gestational diabetes) were associated with a several month delay in a switch from 2 alpha+ 2gamma globin to 2 alpha + 2 beta globin blood - something that surely had to effect the immune system given the "globin" part of the blood was that which dealt with matters of immunity.  

Also in mothers with gestational diabetes, it had been discovered that lung development in the unborn child appeared to be inhibited by excess insulin in the mother.  Both these issues were discussed in "book 3" and I encouraged all parents to read this very important information.

Insulin was also known to modulate iron levels... and iron to modulate insulin levels... in other words, there existed a "bi-directional" relationship.  


Autism, Alzheimer's, Downs Syndrome, Parkinson's, etc. were considered "iron overload" disorders as well.   Indeed, a person could be considered "anemic" (usually associated with iron deficiency), but actually be suffering from "iron overload"... and unless the doctor was informed in these issues, s/he could certainly prescribe "iron supplementation" for a person already having too much iron!   This was a very serious issue given the human body did not have good mechanisms for flushing iron and iron, at 3 g, was considered lethal!   Note also that prenatal vitamins, were loaded with iron.  

Excess iron in the body was associated with cancer and cell death.  But, iron also appeared to provide "food" for viruses and/or bacteria to grow and multiply and hence, too much iron in the body, in my opinion, was a very serious issue.   Note that the MMR did not have mercury... but it did have 3 live viruses... and viruses from this vaccine had been found by Dr. Wakefield in the brain and gut of children with autism.   Note that the gut would be where the body would try to process all that extra ingested iron... and the white matter of the brain was rich in iron receptors.   As such, I very much suspected that these viruses were found in the brain and gut because this appeared to be where their food source resided.   Excess iron has also been known to lodge in all major organs... not only the brain, but the heart, kidneys, liver, etc.

Given iron and insulin were now known to have a bi-directional relationship, and that glucose was the brain's food - this issue with iron and insulin, in my opinion, was a serious one indeed!  Much, much more on this issue was covered in "book 3" - again - a book I strongly urged all parents to read.

The following provided a good basic overview of diabetes:


(the above was on "gestational diabetes" - note comment on increased risk of "low blood sugar in infants"  and comment on "bigger infants" in general in these mothers... note that in the Simpsonwood meeting, a comment on "bigger children" had also been made in terms of children more likely to experience "an event" due to vaccinations with thimerosal).  Also see the important information on what I could only call the "white washing" of the thimerosal study population sample.


Interestingly, cinnamon was now being showed to possibly play a role in impacting insulin and blood sugar levels in a positive way:  http://www.mercola.com/2000/sept/3/cinnamon_insulin.htm

Note that both insulin and b6 were stored in the muscles.   Insulin and iron had a bi-directional relationship - they impact one another.   B6 was also used in the production of insulin and in helping promote iron excretion.   The body has no good way to rid itself of iron... iron was excreted via hair/nail growth, the sloughing of cells (casting off of cells) and via bleeding.   I could not help but wonder if insulin also helped in the excretion of iron somehow and if that somehow also explained why there was so much more diabetes today... if we were seeing increased levels of insulin because we were also seeing increased iron toxicity or iron overload due to high iron supplementation in foods, etc.  

Many people believed that anemia could only be caused by "iron deficiency"... but, in actuality, "anemia" could very much also result from "iron overload"... and autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, DS, etc. certainly were viewed by many as candidates for the  "iron overload disorder" label.  The issue of "iron overload" in spite of an "anemia diagnosis" was explained in the following link.   Indeed, what appeared to happen was that the body stored up excess iron instead of using it in blood production... as such, the body appeared to "hide it" in the organs - leading to conditions such as hemochromatosis - the "rusting out" of organs.   It was estimated by the NIH that up to 10% of us carried the "gene" for hemochromatosis - a very slow and silent killer.   Note that persons diagnosed with diabetes could indeed be suffering from hemochromatosis.   The unfortunate thing in all this was that "diabetes" received the bulk of the attention.   Yes, diabetes was dangerous - but so was hemochromatosis and most people did not appear to even know what hemochromatosis was - yet, 10% of us had the "gene" (i.e. genetic mutation may be a better word here) for it!    By the time a person was diagnosed with hemochromatosis, a great deal of damage could already have been done to the organs... so much so, that death could be quite near.   Indeed, if insulin and iron had a bi-directional relationship, this was a very serious issue.

Note the comment in this article at http://www.ironoverload.org/anemia.htm , entitled  A New Perspective on Iron Deficiency, a presentation given by Roberta Crawford in June 2001 at NIH Workshop in Bethesda, MD, -  I quote: 

 "So how much iron does the human body really need? Iron is not excreted. The iron you absorb stays and accumulates in storage except that you can lose one milligram a day through hair, finger nails, skin cells and other detritus. That is the amount needed every day to replace the loss. One milligram. (Women in reproductive years, one and a half milligram). The RDAs or RDIs recommended by the Food and Nutrition Board is out of date and incorrect. The other way to lose iron, of course, is by blood loss.

The normal levels of iron need to be lowered.

Hemoglobin is not iron! Unfortunately physicians prescribe iron to anemic people who test with low hemoglobin. Yes, the patients are anemic, but the iron is collecting in storage instead of going into hemoglobin. These people are iron-loaded. They need iron removed despite the anemia. The anemia should be treated with B vitamins, especially B12, B6 and folic acid.  Many patients with anemia are dying of iron overload, and some are hastened to their death by their physicians who give iron. Blood banks seem to believe that hemoglobin and iron are the same. They have prepared lists of high iron foods to give out to donors with low hemoglobin. They invariably tell these people: "Your iron is low." Dangerous misinformation." [end of quote, emphasis added,
A New Perspective on Iron Deficiency, a presentation given by Roberta Crawford in June 2001 at NIH Workshop in Bethesda, MD, http://www.ironoverload.org/anemia.htm ].

Recently, I had also found an abstract I had also found very interesting.   Although bilirubin was now considered the most powerful antioxidant known to man (see book 3 for more on that), the following article appeared to indicate that heme oxygenase (HO), the rate-limiting enzyme in bilirubin production, was impacted by heavy metals as they had been implicated in its regulation.   HO-1 was said to potentially have disastrous effects in that it could cause the release of too much iron (a toxin) in the body!  Could this also be at play in our children?   Again, I could not help but wonder, especially since this enzyme was also associated with neurotransmitter pathways functions via role in carbon monoxide production, etc.  (refer to Phyllis A Dennery MD, Yi-Hao Weng MD, David K Stevenson MD and Guang Yang PhD, The Biology of Bilirubin Production, Journal of Perinatology, Dec. 2001, Vol. 21, Supplement 1, pages S17-S20, abstract posted below):


So, what was the role of antioxidants in iron regulation?   It certainly appeared there could be "positives" and "negatives" at play here!

Another very interesting comment I found was that posted on a website for an encyclopedia of terms.   This Health Encyclopedia stated the following under SERUM IRON "special considerations" - and I quote:

"Drugs that can increase iron measurements include chloramphenicol, estrogens, oral contraceptives, and methyldopa.   Drugs that can decrease iron measurements include cholestyramine, chloramphenicol, colchicine, deferoxamine, methicillin, allopurinol, and testosterone." [end of quote, emphasis added, this information had been reviewed by 11/18/2001 by Rebecca Elstrom, M.D., Division of Hematology-Oncology, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia].


Interestingly, I had also found research that seemed to indicate that estrogen somehow also might play a role in protection of neurons.   When I considered all this, I could not help but wonder how all this played into the 4:1 ratio of boys:girls having autism!

For more on IRON OVERLOAD, I encouraged all parents to spend some time learning more about these issues via this valuable website...   http://www.ironoverload.org/facts.html ...

Note:  Prenatal vitamins and vitamins in general were loaded with iron and many, many foods also had tremendous amounts of iron (iron fortified) and, in my opinion, these - fortified vitamins and foods - were perhaps one of the first dominos in the explosion in so many disorders today - including diabetes, autism, hemochromatosis, Alzheimer's, etc.!     Note that prenatal vitamins could also vary greatly in "how much extra iron" they provided.  Add to that fortified baby foods, baby formulas, baby iron drops, etc. and in my opinion, we had the makings of an "iron overload disaster" no doubt accompanied by a "diabetes disaster" as well.  Much, much more on all this in "book 3" - a book I wrote and posted online on this website for all families to read!

Thus, given iron and insulin had a bi-directional relationship, in my opinion, diabetes or high blood sugar levels could certainly be indicative of a problem with iron as well!

Interestingly, estrogen was also linked to insulin resistance... I could not help but wonder if this had something to do with why we had more boys than girls impacted with autism...  The first article below discussed the role of estrogen and neuron death... believed to perhaps help explain somewhat we we saw 4:1 ratio of boys to girls having autism... the second link below discussed the role of estrogen in insulin resistance.



Studies had also shown estrogen could be helpful to those with Alzheimer's... although results later seemed mixed...


Note that both estrogen and insulin were hormones... and that hormones were very, very sensitive... measured in parts per TRILLION!


http://www.people.virginia.edu/~rjh9u/hormlist.html (great site for information on many, many hormones in easy to understand terms).

http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/H/Hormones.html (great site for information on many, many hormones - a little more on the "science side").

http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/H/HormoneTable.html  (great site for information on many, many hormones -a little more on the "science side").

Note also that beta cells were found in the pancreas and that beta amyloid plaques  - one of the "hallmarks" of Alzheimer's - were also found in the pancreas of persons with type 2 diabetes... given that I had found so many parallels between autism-Alzheimer's-schizophrenia... I was not surprised!


Note also that "insulin therapy" had been provided for persons with schizophrenia since the 1940s...


Note also that mercury was known to disrupt the endocrine system (pancreas - for insulin, and estrogen, were both part of the endocrine system or system of glands in the human body)... it indeed appeared to be well documented that this was the case... what researchers appeared to still be trying to figure out was "how it was doing this"...

Diabetes... The Insulin Link To Hearing And Vision Impairment...

And Possibly To Touch, Smell, And Taste Sensitivity As Well!

Recently, as I viewed a presentation by Dr. David Menton from Brown University entitled The Hearing Ear - a presentation filmed and produced by Answers In Genesis during the Creation 2003 conference May 22-26, 2003,  (contact: Answers in Genesis at Box 6330, Florence, KY 41022, 800-778-3390) http://www.answersingenesis.org) , something truly caught my ear as I listened.   I had already found research indicating that insulin impacted lung development in the unborn child and that in mothers with gestational diabetes, lung development in the unborn child was delayed.   As I watched this presentation by Dr. Menton on the mechanics of the human ear, what captivated me was a statement to the effect that cells in the ear - epithelial cells - were very similar to those found in the lungs.   Immediately, I wondered if this could be why children with autism experienced so many hearing problems... was insulin impacting ear development?   Well... again, a quick search on the Internet again confirmed my suspicions - insulin had indeed been tied to deafness in persons with type II diabetes.  Indeed, persons with type II diabetes were now shown in studies to have a higher incidence of hearing loss than the normal population.   Note again that gestational diabetes set one up for having "type II diabetes" later in life (see Book 3 for more on that issue). 

A little further research indicated that insulin was absolutely tied to the development/mechanics of the ear - in general - not only in those with diabetes.   I now very much suspected that this too was yet another critical piece of the puzzle - this time - one relating to issues with sound.     Amazingly, 1 in 1,000 children were now born deaf and 1 in 300 had a hearing impairment serious enough to impact language development, socialization, etc. (refer to 43 page presentation on this link for more on hearing loss: http://ocw.mit.edu/NR/rdonlyres/Health-Sciences-and-Technology/HST-730Molecular-Biology-for-the-Auditory-SystemFall2002/A224471E-3884-4347-A272-F223C0793A56/0/new_genetic_hearing_loss.pdf).

As indicated in Book 3, mercury was known to impact hormones and insulin was a hormone,  insulin was now known to have a bi-directional relationship with iron, prenatal vitamins were loaded with iron, mothers with gestational diabetes were known to have infants with delayed lung development, as well as a delay in the "globin type blood switch" - from 2 alpha+ 2 gamma to 2 alpha + 2 beta -  that normally occurred in the unborn child at week 28 of gestation - exactly the time when gestational diabetes was diagnosed - and now, insulin was also apparently involved in the development of the mechanical workings of the human ear.   Note that although Dr. Menton's presentation was entitled "The Hearing Ear", he also had taken the time to provide an excellent overview of the marvel that was the human eye also.   The human eye also involved epithelial cells - and clearly, insulin impacted epithelial cells - and hence, again, I wondered - was insulin playing a role in the problems with vision that were so clearly obvious in children with autism also?   It was certainly a well-documented scientific fact that persons with diabetes went blind - and as such, I only suspected that vision - like hearing - was being impacted by improper insulin levels as well!  Note that "the skin" also consisted of epithelial cells - and children with autism certainly had sensitivities in that area as well!   The ears, the lungs, the skin... all having "hairs"... hairs  - known to impact "sensitivity" issues - hairs that also very much appeared to be impacted by insulin levels while the child may be still in the womb!   Insulin levels and hearing loss certainly were now associated diabetics who developed hearing loss with the progression of diabetes!   I could not help but think that mercury and/or iron levels played a role in all this!   "Hairs"... in the ears...  in the lungs... in the skin... in the nose... in the taste buds (gustatory cells)...  in the digestive tract... could some of the problems with digestion and smell in children with autism also be tied to this issue?   Again, I could not help but wonder - especially given hair loss was also very much associated with hemochromatosis!



http://web.uvic.ca/~esg02/ling482/ass3pages/smorrison3.html (diabetes and hearing loss, atrophy of outer hair cells in organ of Corti part of the ear).

http://www.earsurgery.org/glossary.html (glossary of terms as they relate to hearing)

Note that one of the articles I had found stated that "hearing loss" was something only recently being associated with diabetes.   How was it that with all the people in the world, we were now only starting to associate hearing loss with diabetes?   Was that not a rather "odd" thing?   Perhaps it was because of something else that was considered a fairly recent find in the world of diabetes - a condition termed "INSULIN RESISTANT IRON OVERLOAD"... in other words, a condition very much linking IRON and INSULIN - and again, let us all remember that prenatal vitamins were loaded with iron, that the body had no good mechanism for riding itself of iron, and that insulin and iron modulated one another.  

Now, for the true "nail in the coffin"... note that INSULIN RESISTANT IRON OVERLOAD was NOT associated with the "hereditary" marker for hemochromatosis... in other words... this does NOT appear to be the "inherited" type of hemochromatosis... something else was causing this... NOT an inherited gene!   For more on this issue, please refer to the following link:  http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0922/8_51/90389345/p4/article.jhtml?term= , or at http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/full/51/8/2348  taken from an article by Jose Manuel Fernandez-Real, Abel Lopez-Bermejo, Wifredo Ricart, entitled Cross-talk between iron metabolism and diabetes (Perspectives in Diabetes), Diabetes, August, 2002 - I quote:

"Fourth, a novel syndrome of hepatic iron overload has been described that associates hyperferritinemia with normal transferrin saturation and is not linked to the HLA-A3 antigen, a common marker for hereditary hemochromatosis (39). This condition is known as insulin resistance-associated hepatic iron overload (IR-HIO) and combines abnormalities in iron metabolism (isolated hyperferritinemia with normal transferrin saturation), steatohepatitis, and the insulin resistance syndrome (obesity, hyperlipidemia, abnormal glucose metabolism, and hypertension) (39-41). In IR-HIO, iron overload occurs in both hepatocytes and sinusoid cells, being higher in the latter cells in 45% of cases, a finding seen in only 3% of subjects with hemochromatosis (42)." [end of quote, emphasis added, taken from an article by Jose Manuel Fernandez-Real, Abel Lopez-Bermejo, Wifredo Ricart, entitled Cross-talk between iron metabolism and diabetes (Perspectives in Diabetes), Diabetes, August, 2002, http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0922/8_51/90389345/p4/article.jhtml?term=].

Note:  This was a rather extensive article.  In "Book 3" I had only provided a link to an abstract.   The link posted above had the entire article online and in my opinion, was a "must read" for all parents of children with autism.   The above quote was taken from the 3rd page of the article, as such, you will want to scroll to the bottom and go to link "1" to start reading this article that appeared in the August 2002 edition of the journal entitled "Diabetes"!

Note the words... "abnormal glucose metabolism"... again, my son Zachary was born "low on glucose" a clear sign of an insulin problem from DAY 1 and the reason for which he was given that "special little glucose bottle" that only masked the problem before he was even allowed to leave the hospital!  So, if this "new disorder" called insulin resistant iron overload was "not hereditary"... what was causing it?   Let us also remember that a dual diagnosis of autism and Down Syndrome (DS) was no longer rare and that DS was also not a "hereditary" disorder - a genetic mutation occurred - yes - but - it was not due to "inheritance".   DS was absolutely known - without a doubt - to be an iron overload disorder!   For more on that go to my link entitled  Genetic Vs Hereditary:  The Critical Difference So Often Misunderstood!

Note also the following quote from this same August 2002 article in "Diabetes" journal: 

"Five additional pieces of scientific evidence favor the hypothesis that iron plays a role in type 2 diabetes"... [end of quote, emphasis added, taken from an article by Jose Manuel Fernandez-Real, Abel Lopez-Bermejo, Wifredo Ricart, entitled Cross-talk between iron metabolism and diabetes (Perspectives in Diabetes), Diabetes, August, 2002, http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0922/8_51/90389345/p4/article.jhtml?term=].

Call me crazy, but if science had also shown that the development of gestational diabetes set one up for type 2 diabetes later in life (refer to book 3 for more on this), then, it stood to reason that iron also played a role in the development of gestational diabetes... and indeed, as stated earlier, prenatal vitamins were LOADED with iron... iron that very much was passed on to the unborn child!

Indeed, this same article indicated that - and I quote:

"In fact, iron deposition in islets, albeit variable, is restricted to [beta]-cells"[end of quote, emphasis added, taken from an article by Jose Manuel Fernandez-Real, Abel Lopez-Bermejo, Wifredo Ricart, entitled Cross-talk between iron metabolism and diabetes (Perspectives in Diabetes), Diabetes, August, 2002, http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0922/8_51/90389345/p4/article.jhtml?term=].

Note that beta cells were the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin and these were damaged and/or dysfunctional in gestational diabetes and indeed - all diabetes!

According to this article, an easy way to help prevent problems associated with iron overload was via the letting of blood (i.e., blood donations) or via the use of iron chelators.

Let us also remember that one of the mechanisms the body had for riding itself of iron and/or other toxins (i.e., mercury, etc.) had to do with HAIR!   Iron was absolutely a toxin when found in excess.   Could it be that too much iron was leading to hair loss and/or damage - as in the ear for example - and that this somehow played a role in "deafness" now being associated with diabetes!   Certainly, just looking at a chemotherapy patient told us that hair had something to do with the immune system.   Persons undergoing chemo usually lost all their hair - but then, it grew back.   Was that because toxins in chemotherapy killed the hairs?   Studies were also starting to indicate that iron overload could result in hair loss (i.e., balding in men having hemochromatosis).  Thus, clearly, iron and hair were also tied to one another as were insulin and hair - not surprising of course given that iron and insulin modulated one another!   Thus, if "hair loss" was associated with excess iron, could atrophy of hair in say the Organ of Corti (in the ear) also be associated not only with insulin but excess iron levels - perhaps from prenatal vitamins while the infant was still in the womb.   It certainly seemed to me that hearing impairment in 1 of 300 children serious enough to cause language delays and learning disabilities and 1 in 1,000 children being born deaf was a rather high percentage!   Again, note that "deafness" was very much associated with damage to or loss of hairs in the Organ of Corti (in the ear) - and once those hairs were destroyed - it was believed they did not "grow back" and as such - hearing impairment or deafness was permanent! 

Was "hair loss or impairment" due to iron overload also at play in problems with "touch" in children with autism?  What about hair in the digestive tract?   Just what exactly were the impacts of iron on hairs found throughout the body?   A study I had found on iron and the issue of iron supplementation in women during gestation clearly indicated that studies looking at the impact of iron supplementation during pregnancy were virtually non-existent (see Book 3 bibliography - search for iron supplementation).  

Again, for much more on all this, I strongly encouraged you to read "Book 3", a book I had entitled "Breaking The Code:  Putting The Pieces In Place! - posted in full on this website!

Parasites And Mental Illness...

A recent article, appearing in the Dec. 1st, 2003 issue of Newsweek, entitled, Diseases of the Mind
Bacteria, viruses and parasites may cause mental illnesses like depression and perhaps even autism and anorexia, by Janet Ginsburg stated the following - I quote:

"Mental illnesses constitute a large and growing portion of the world’s health problems. According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the most debilitating of diseases, on a par with paraplegia. Psychiatric illnesses make up more than 10 percent of the world’s “disease burden” (a measure of how debilitating a disease is), and are expected to increase to 15 percent by 2020.   Much of this may be the work of viruses, bacteria and parasites." [end of quote, Ginsburg, J, Newsweek, Diseases of the Mind, Dec, 1, 2003, http://www.msnbc.com/news/997153.asp?cp1=1 ].

Note that viruses were certainly introduced into the body via vaccines!  Indeed, the MMR, a vaccine so closely tied to the autism controversy was a vaccine that introduced 3 live viruses into the body - at once!

Furthermore, the work of Hans Moises on schizophrenia certainly seemed to indicate viruses could play a role in schizophrenia by possibly lodging in glial cells and weakening them - these were the cells that provided the scaffolding for neurons to grow and connect (see Book 3 for more on this issue - posted in full on this website).  

It was amazing to me that in spite of literature showing that parasites were often found in disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, that doctors, appeared to be very reluctant to treat for parasites.   

Note the following link clearly shows that hookworms were associated with "iron deficiency anemia" due to blood loss as the hookworms attached to the intestinal walls and caused bleeding inside the intestine...  I had no doubt that "iron deficiency anemia" could exist... actual anemia or deficiency in iron... however, again, I cautioned readers about "iron deficiency" as it certainly appeared to be very misunderstood... and that what some saw as "iron deficiency" could actually be "iron overload"...

Note that hookworms were often found in the brain of persons with schizophrenia.  Note also that worms such as hookworms feed on blood - and blood is made of hemoglobin.   The "heme" part of blood is made of IRON + unconjugated bilirubin!  This was the "red" part of the blood and the oxygen carrying part of blood.   As such, low iron levels or heme deficiency could result in not enough oxygen getting to the body's cells.


http://www.appliedozone.com/parasites.html (hookworms feed on blood)

This last link above, http://www.appliedozone.com/parasites.html,  actually mentions many, many things that appear "so common" to children with autism and this was why I simply could not ignore the issue of parasites as a potential contributor/complicating factor in these disorders...  - I quote:

"Men or women with intestinal parasite infections are usually under-nourished and weak, infected with
viral, fungal, or bacteria
, and have various types of chemical and metal poisoning"...

and this quote...

"Hookworm larvae penetrate the skin. When hookworm reach adulthood, they can sap the victim's strength, vitality and overall well-being. Young worms use their teeth to burrow through the intestinal wall and feed on your blood. Symptoms from hookworm are Iron deficiency, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, craving to eat soil, protein deficiency, dry skin and hair, skin irritations, edema, distended abdomen, stunted growth, delayed puberty, mental dullness, cardiac failure and death. (1/2 inch long)" [end of quotes from  http://www.appliedozone.com/parasites.html, emphasis added].

Other things mentioned in this same link included wiping of the nose, diarrhea, dark circles under the eyes, hyperactivity, bed wetting, sensitivity to light, candida (yeast),  etc.... all things I knew had been issues for my son.   If indeed parasites thrives on iron and iron and insulin modulated each other... and my son was born "low on glucose - a clear sign of a problem with insulin from day one... and anemia was associated with parasites as they "fed on blood", yet someone could be diagnosed with "anemia" in spite of an iron overload problem as the body "hid" excess iron in the organs, etc., and given I knew that mercury impacted the endocrine system... and insulin certainly was part of the endocrine system, I could not help but wonder how all this fit together...

Was the body hiding iron in order to prevent iron from going to more blood formation that would then in turn feed parasites throughout the body?   Why did the body "hide iron" and why could there be a diagnosis of anemia in spite of iron overload?   A little more research did indeed confirm that the body tended to "hide iron" when fighting a bacterial infection (see section on "Biology" under next link) so that the bacteria can not "use it"... so, it stands to reason that the same would be true for parasites as well if they too utilized iron.


And how did parasites fit into all this?    Was this "hiding of iron" a way to prevent perhaps greater parasite infestations?  Note that parasites - specifically, hookworms,  had been found in the brain of persons with schizophrenia.

http://immunoquest.org/sys-tmpl/diseasesplays/ (hookworms found in schizophrenia brain)

Certainly, there could be no denying that Zachary had many "signs" as listed above of what could be a parasite infection... things that were also very much associated with "autism"... things that certainly could be made worse it seemed, by an imbalance in how his body processed iron!

Indeed, there were some who did not want to seem to acknowledge that parasites could play a role in these disorders and doctors raising this issue were often seen as "quacks".    Yet, the simple fact remained that we pretty well ALL had parasites... and as such, why would a parasite infestation be simply "dismissed" by so many as a potential problem in mental illness - perhaps not "the cause" but, certainly, "a potential problem" that could aggravate matters - especially since things like hookworms found their way to the brain!  

The other issue with parasites had to do with the fact that many children with autism were not potty trained until a very late age.   Well, if worm eggs were passed via the feces and it was known that eggs of worms could enter the human body via just walking outside barefoot, it stood to reason that the "skin" of the buttocks would also provide a "point of entry" would it not?   As such, potty training, in my opinion, was taking on an even greater importance... not only because of the inconvenience and frustration of not having a potty trained child but also because of the fact that, in my opinion, feces against the skin in a child who was not potty trained appeared to open yet another door for parasites to enter the body!

I did not believe that parasites cause "all disorders" as some may believe, however, I did believe that parasites thrived on iron... and iron overload certainly appeared to be part of many, many disorders. 

More on this issue of parasites...

More on Iron Overload...

Note:   I encouraged all families to take the time to read about the many issues surrounding "Iron Overload" on this "iron overload" website... Truly an eye opener...

I hoped all would take time to surf this most valuable site:


More On Insulin Disorders...

The following provided an excellent overview of the issues with insulin disorders and how they have exploded in incidence!


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Copyright 2002-2008 All materials I provide on this site including several key words and phrases are copyrighted materials.  All rights reserved.  Please see Use of Materials for more on this issue.  For general comments/questions, contact me at jbrohart@hotmail.com 

Things have a tendency to disappear on the Internet, but I can often find where the information has been moved or find replacement links addressing the same issue.  There is a lot of information provided on this site and any assistance with broken links is most appreciated.   My site has now been hacked twice.   If you get bounced to sites for online drugs, etc., report this to me at once using the above email as this is a result of hacking on my site.  This had nothing to do with me and/or my site.  Read more on hacking issue.

DISCLAIMER - The statements here mentioned and/or found in my materials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other government agency or person in the medical field or in behavior therapy and are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any illness/disorder and/or behavior.  This information is not intended as medical advice or to replace the care of a qualified healthcare physician or behavior therapist.  Always consult your medical doctor or behavior therapist.  All information provided by Jeanne A. Brohart on her website is for INFORMATION PURPOSES and to GENERATE DISCUSSION ONLY and should not be taken as medical advice or any other type of "advice".  Information put forth represents the EXTENSIVE RESEARCH and OPINIONS of a mother based on her experiences and research and provides information as it relates to one family's journey with autism in hopes that other families may benefit from this experience and/or research.  The creator of this site is not responsible for content on other sites.

DISCLAIMER - PART II - Now... for those of you who think "mother at home researching" means "uneducated person with unfounded information"... I have 10 years of university... 3 degrees... and over 30,000 hours of research into these areas.   For anyone who thinks my research is "unfounded"...  read the RESEARCH FILE posted on my home page... with its over 1,000 references ... for your reading pleasure... because... quite clearly... you haven't read it yet!    

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