Voices For The Voiceless...

Why Alzheimer's May Be Autism In The Elderly!!!

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If one thing had become painfully clear to me, it was that there was a great deal of work to be done.   There was no way that governments around the world could even begin to tackle all these issues on their own.

Entertainers in music, comedy, etc., were always a great source of inspiration for many and certainly there had to be a way of doing annual fundraisers for autism research.  

The government could not even begin to care for all these children and all these issues  - it would take the help of many to do so.  

I think everyone reading these materials knew that the challenges ahead were huge, but they were not insurmountable.   To allow tax relief for parents of the autistic and to help fund autism treatment centers across the US would go a long way toward helping to rebuild trust and families, and this was the very least our government could do to begin the healing.  In my heart, I felt the same steps would be necessary from governments around the world.

The best in many fields – neurology, behavior therapy, education, research, programming, etc. would now be needed to provide new tools for these children.   I had great hope for many of these children.   I knew many could indeed become among our most brilliant members of society.   Yes, these children had obstacles to overcome, but their determination to understand their world and to be part of it was truly a testimony to their undying spirit.  That was the very least we owed these children – and society.  Only by becoming productive members of society could these children eventually help to support that society rather than be viewed as a burden to it.

This nation spent billions on defense – it was now time to spend significant funds on this national security issue, too, to help recover the children we had so failed to protect in the first place and to prevent further vaccination injury to all those with a weak or dysfunctional immune system prior to the administration of any mandatory vaccine!  For those adults not yet convinced that the removal of mercury was a necessary step, perhaps this analogy would convince you.  

It was a well-known fact that flu shots contained mercury.   It was also a well-known fact that the elderly were by far, those lining up for flu shots – shots containing both mercury and aluminum.  The health hazards of aluminum – also in many childhood vaccinations - had also been scientifically tied to Alzheimer’s.   In my opinion, there was a lot more to this than simply “coincidence”.  Scientists had shown that neural degeneration in experiments with mercury had revealed brain lesions similar to those found in human Alzheimer’s patients.  Was it also not “odd” to society that Alzheimer’s seemed to be an illness that became epidemic  – almost overnight – like autism?  There seemed to be so little of these illnesses in the past – yet now, the numbers affected were epidemic!  Interesting indeed!  Well, even more interesting was the following: 


You Decide…

Gradual onset

Gradual onset

Short term and long term memory loss

Short term and long term memory loss

Loss of intellectual abilities

Loss of intellectual abilities

Impact on social activities and everyday tasks

Impact on social activities and everyday tasks

Process and task completion issues

Process and task completion issues

Judgment issues

Judgment issues

Changes in behavior

Changes in behavior

Inability to recognize faces and voices

Inability to recognize faces and voices

Difficulty with language production and comprehension

Difficulty with language production and comprehension

Nonsense language

Nonsense language

Echolalia (parroting of what others say)

Echolalia (parroting of what others say)

Use “related words” (reference communication)

Use “related words” (reference communication)

Can read but not understand meaning of what is read

Can read but not understand meaning of what is read

May be mute

May be mute

“Deaf Adult” syndrome

“Deaf Child” syndrome

Issues with the concept of self

Issues with the concept of self

Personality changes - including rage and withdrawal

Personality changes – including rage and withdrawal

Symptoms vary among those affected

Symptoms vary among those affected

Wander off, easily disoriented

Wander off, easily disoriented

Decreased attention span

Decreased attention span

Loss of physical coordination

Loss of physical coordination

Changes in emotion

Changes in emotion

Difficulty understanding facial expressions

Difficulty understanding facial expressions

Confusion and inability to follow instructions

Confusion and inability to follow instructions

Repetition of words (their own)

Repetition of words (their own)

Can physically abuse caregivers

Can physically abuse caregivers

Inability to control bladder or bowels

Inability to control bladder or bowels

Subject to hallucinations

Subject to hallucinations (casein/gluten opiate effect)

Issues with imagination verses reality (pretending)

Issues with imagination verses reality (pretending)

Changes in eating patterns

Changes in eating patterns

Difficulty in swallowing

Difficulty in swallowing

Difficulty in sleeping

Difficulty in sleeping

Drugs used for epilepsy useful in treatment of this disorder

 Often develop epilepsy at puberty

Brain lesions found

Brain lesions found

Epidemic levels

Epidemic levels

Mercury-laced flu shots (mercury known to cause neural degeneration)

Mercury-laced vaccinations (mercury known to cause neural degeneration)

Cause of disorder “unknown”

Cause of disorder “unknown”



Diagnosis:   ALZHEIMER’S

Diagnosis:  AUTISM

Just Coincidence?

UPDATE:   I now have over 160 parallels between autism and Alzheimer's! See Research File for more on this critical issue! END OF UPDATE

The parallels between Alzheimer’s and autism were striking indeed – the 37 listed above I found within one hour of searching on the Internet!  In my opinion, Alzheimer’s was nothing more than “autism in the elderly”.  Note that an epidemic, by definition, was an “outbreak” affecting many persons at once.  Hence, by definition, an epidemic could not be “genetic” because a genetic reason for these increases in these disorders would have been “gradual” as opposed to “epidemic”.  Sure, there were some differences.  But, in one case, the brain had been allowed to mature prior to mercury exposure via flu shots… in the other, neural growth had potentially been devastated from the very start!

Would the AARP and all senior citizens now align themselves with parents of the autistic in demanding that safety issues as they related to vaccinations/ immunizations be investigated?   In my opinion, senior citizens had no choice but to do so!   The number of people getting Alzheimer’s was said to double every five years for those past the age of 65.   Persons with Alzheimer’s, some studies indicated, lost up to 60% of temporal lobe neurons (see http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~mcousson/BB3.html and http://splweb.bwh.harvard.edu:8000/pages/papers/killiany/temporal.html#Table).   Autism, it was becoming quite clear to me, was no longer simply an issue for the young… it was also very much an issue for the elderly as well.  Interesting, indeed rather alarming statistics on Alzheimer’s can be found at:  http://www.alz.org/AboutAD/Statistics.htm, indicating 7 in 10 patients will live at home with basically no financial assistance from the government since Medicare and most private health insurance do not cover long term needs for these patients.   Sound familiar?  To parents of the autistic, this was familiar indeed!  Also according to this link, the US spent 100 billion a year on Alzheimer’s… but this was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what was apparently still to come!

When one kept in mind that the human brain was believed to develop into adolescence, it could now be easily understood why there were some differences between autism and Alzheimer’s.   For the elderly, the “chance of repair” was much more limited given the brain had greatly stopped working on new neural connections.

Autism, Alzheimer’s and SIDS… all disorders basically unheard of 25 years ago… all with an “unknown cause”.   Really?

It was time society stopped looking at Alzheimer’s simply as dementia in the elderly… stopped viewing it as simply a “part of getting old”.   Wake up folks!   The elderly were never this bad off when I was young.   It was now estimated that 50% of persons over 85 had Alzheimer’s.   The elderly never used to forget their entire lives – their loved ones - as do now patients with Alzheimer’s.  This was not simply the result of “getting older” or “living longer”.  There were plenty of very old people in the past too… but never the statistics we see today in terms of this disorder, never the total devastation we now see in our elderly, too!  Interestingly, some persons as young as in their 30s and 40s were also developing Alzheimer’s.   Could this be due to the fact that some young people also received mercury-laced flu shots or to the fact that mercury was also found in many other vaccinations – like tetanus or pneumonia shots for example? 

Would the fear that perhaps this could happen to “them” be enough to finally convince all adults who had been so hard to convince in matters relating to issues of vaccination safety - be enough to finally make all adults take a very strong stand on these issues – especially given the fact that with brain lesions, if “coincidences” between the autistic and those with Alzheimer’s were indeed more than “coincidences”, then perhaps those at risk of developing Alzheimer’s later in life – all adults, in my opinion – could also have a compromised immune system – and implications of that, in the face of any disease outbreak also were overwhelming indeed! With the graying of America, how much longer could we go on without investigating issues relating to vaccination safety? 

With Alzheimer’s expected to double every 5 years in persons over 65, there indeed, was reason to be concerned – by all!  We already had 4 million Americans with Alzheimer’s.  The person with Alzheimer’s lived an average 8 – 10 years from onset of the disorder to death.  Average cost in a nursing care facility could range from 45,000 to 70,000 per year per person. 

Was it not overwhelming to society that Americans had so many mental and eating disorders now – both “signatures” in the autistic child?  Alzheimer’s, 4 million, attention deficit, 2 million children, autism, another 2 million children, schizophrenia (considered an illness characterized by disordered thoughts), 2.2 million, obsessive compulsive disorder (considered an illness of disordered motions), 3.3 million, bi-polar (considered an illness characterized by disordered moods) 2.3 million, depression, 9 million (obviously another mood disorder).  Throw in eating disorders – allergies (disorder of the digestive system), 50 million, diabetes (disorder of the pancreas), 17 million, etc. - disorders so common in the autistic - and one truly can not help but wonder!  Another interesting disorder was that of epilepsyknown to develop in the autistic at puberty.  There were now at least 2.3 million Americans with epilepsy.   According to the government, most persons impacted were the very young and the elderly.  It will come as no surprise that, again, in most cases, the cause of these disorders was “unknown”.  Coincidence - again?  How many of these “disorders” had a mercury link?  How many were the result of mercury-related brain lesions due to vaccinations and/or dental fillings?   Brain lesions were reported in bi-polar, epilepsy, schizophrenia, autism, and Alzheimer’s.

For more on issues as they relate to dental amalgams and mercury, please see:  http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/02/Apr02/042402/01n-0067-sup0001-vol1.pdf.  I encouraged all persons to take the time to read this docket (and to request it if it disappeared from the Internet).   This docket, dated April 22, 2002 - docket no. 01N-0067 - filed by The International Academy Of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (a group dedicated to safe oral procedures in dentistry) with the USFDA clearly indicated that the USFDA acknowledged the dangers of mercury, yet did not seem to believe that the consumer needed to be informed of that danger/risk.  This was truly an interesting read to say the least!   Persons wanting a copy of this docket should contact the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, P. O. Box 608531, Orlando, FL  32860-8531 (407-298-2450).

It was becoming quite clear that many in government were preferred “not to inform the public”, in matters relating to mercury exposure and the risks associated with mercury exposure.  Instead, the government and indeed, the pharmaceuticals seemed to prefer to simply inform doctors and dentists of the risks and put the burden on them when it came to any lawsuits.   Should the government agencies taxpayers were paying to ensure public health not be acting in the best interest of consumers by making these issues public?   What exactly were we paying them for anyway?  This trend in issues of vaccinations and dental amalgams and mercury exposure and of not informing the public as to the dangers of this substance was a rather disturbing one.   It seemed that those in science, along with doctors and dentists were raising red flags everywhere, and yet, the government and the pharmaceuticals, in their powerful, impenetrable walls preferred to ignore those warning bells and red flags and continue to pretend that there existed “no issue here”.

Doctors, dentists and scientists were aware of the issues and yet, without the public being aware too, their chances of getting anything done were rather scarce.   It was time the public stood behind these doctors, dentists and scientists and demanded a change – the immediate removal of mercury from vaccines and amalgams and the immediate removal of many very unethical politicians as well!  Time to wake up America!  

Alarm bells were sounding everywhere – across numerous disciplines.   It was time those alarm bells were heard and responded to!  Doctors and dentists could have their careers ruined for raising these issues, for going against the system… perhaps to the point of losing their licenses… scientists too had a great deal to lose in terms of research grants, etc.   Many in science, dentistry and medicine had gone out on a limb in hopes of making a change, but, without full public backing, I feared their endeavors would be in vain.   There was simply too much money and too many careers at stake.  We were “a government by the people and for the people” – it was time to show it and to demand accountability on these issues! 

Lawsuits were now being filed against the American Dental Association arguing that deceptive practices were being used in telling patients that dental fillings were “silver” (only 25% silver in reality) as opposed to mercury (50%).  For more on this, readers could go to: http://www.khorrami.com/Amalgam%20Web/Amalgam/Amalgam.htm.  One filling has enough mercury in it to pollute a small lake.   To give readers an idea of just how bad mercury was, there was enough mercury in a thermometer to pollute a 20-acre lake for 10 years.  The government knew “how bad” mercury was, yet, apparently, it did not seem to believe the public “needed to know”.   Really?   Why exactly was that?

There were many sources of mercury – vaccinations, dental fillings, many household products (i.e., cleaning solutions, soaps, contact lens solutions, nasal sprays, etc.), but, by far, vaccinations and dental fillings were perhaps the most common and, these two sources, had perhaps contributed the most to the great increase in so many illnesses with “unknown causes”. 

All these illnesses… so many “new illnesses”… you just did not see these “disorders” and these numbers when I was a child, yet, we had smaller families now than then!  Interesting indeed!  Was it any wonder that the pharmaceutical industry had gone from a 20 billion dollar industry in the early 1980s to a 260 billion dollar industry in the mid 1990s?    And now, this same industry was pushing for the passing of the Frist Bill to absolve them of any wrongdoing as a result of vaccination injury?   Think about that folks… and think about it in view of all the issues raised in this document!  The Frist Bill was before Congress at the time of the writing of this text.   If passed there had to be a national outcry for its immediate reversal because without a clear understanding of any vaccination-autism link as shown via CDC and pharmaceutical documentation, documentation considered “confidential”, the passing of this bill had very serious consequences for all.  “Toilet paper legislationã”   - in my opinion, there was no better description for the Frist Bill – a destruction of the rights of Americans and of the very foundations of this nation! 

The implications of this, economically, could indeed be devastating to this nation.   There would be none who would benefit from the further delay of true vaccination safety investigation – except perhaps for the very few - the few executives in the pharmaceutical industry and their bought off politicians!  Not all politicians were at fault in this – and I realized that.   Indeed, Ronald Reagan, considered by many one of our greatest Presidents was now himself suffering from Alzheimer’s.  In my opinion, no one was “immune” to these illnesses.  Still not convinced that vaccination safety was a concern for all?  Then, perhaps this would help convince you…

Aluminum was known to be involved in gene mutations.  The simple fact that government funded studies used aluminum-rich soil, specifically, was used in genetically engineered foods was a surely an indication of that.  Yet, if aluminum could genetically alter plant genetics, could it not also alter human genetics as well?   One certainly would think that this would indeed be the case.   Would foods now become aluminum rich?  Many diseases were tied specifically to gene mutations… and perhaps the biggest “gene mutation” of all was that mutation that now affected so many around the world – cancer.

In 2001, according to government statistics, 8600 American children were diagnosed with cancer – another 1500 died from it.   Also, according to the government, most cases of cancer, clearly half, were leukemia or central nervous system cancers (i.e., brain cancer).   Interesting!   Leukemia – cancer of the blood (where we inject vaccinations)… and the central nervous system… also clearly impacted in the autistic!   Again, according to the government, causes of childhood cancers were “largely unknown”.   Really?  Was I the only person starting to see a few more “coincidences” here?  Again, when families were larger as was the case when I was young, you just never saw “so much” cancer in children – not to mention adults, too!  Aluminum in vaccinations – a known gene mutant - could that be the reason for this increase in incidence of cancer among our children?

I was in no way saying that all cancers could have a vaccination/aluminum link.   Surely, many cancers were attributable to smoking, environmental pollutants, etc.  But, in the cases of childhood cancer, cancers appearing mainly in the blood and the central nervous system, cancers with an “unknown cause”, I truly wondered.

Alum or aluminum sulfate was a substance added to vaccinations – it was argued - to boost the immune system response to vaccinations.   The word “boost” – to me – implied that this substance should aid in a positive manner.   I wondered if a better description of “alum” was not rather that it helped “trigger” the immune system (as opposed to “boost it”) by the introduction of a toxic substance into the body.   In my opinion, there was a huge difference between the words “boost” and “trigger”!  Perhaps this explained why there existed so many other toxic substances in vaccinations.

A “vaccine ingredients” list taken from the Autism Awakening Newsletter dated February 4th, 2002 included the following “ingredients” in some vaccinations.

Heavy metals like mercury and aluminum, pus from sores of diseased animals, horse serum, calf serum, fecal matter, urine, macerated cancer cells, sweepings from diseased children, formaldehyde (a carcinogen) - used in embalming fluids, phenol (also a carcinogen) - may cause paralysis, convulsions, coma, and necrosis and gangrene, lactalbumin hydrolysate – emulsifier, aluminum phosphate - aluminum salt, corrosive to tissues, foreign animal tissues containing genetic material (DNA/RNA) - from growth medium… to name but a few.   A more complete list of “vaccine ingredients” as listed by the CDC, could be viewed by going to:  http://www.cdc.gov/nip/publications/pink/vaxcont.pdf .  

I certainly hoped that men and women around the world now understood the very critical need to at the very least, remove ALL mercury from vaccinations - immediately – and the need to perhaps remove ALL aluminum as well.

Many things were known to boost the immune system.   What was it about aluminum that made it so special that it had to be used as an immune system booster in vaccinations?  Were there not less dangerous substances that could be used in vaccinations to help boost the immune system?  Could substances to boost immune systems not be taken prior to immunizations also?

In my opinion, given the issues raised in this document, there needed to be very strict guidelines put in place at least banning mercury completely and the immediate recall of all mercury containing vaccinations – worldwide. 

I knew this message had been a difficult one for everyone reading this text.   I hoped all readers now understood why this message had to be presented in the manner it was.   No government official or pharmaceutical executive would have wanted me to raise these concerns.  In addition, I was rather skeptical of the fact that I had been the only one to really put so much of this together in terms of brain structure and function.   With so many working on autism issues around the world, surely, someone else had to have seen this.   I knew almost all research was either government or pharmaceutical backed and as such, I understood all too well why such “suspicions” had never been put forth.  For me to contact government officials with my concerns would have led nowhere and perhaps only resulted in the further “hushing” of so many issues related to vaccinations and autism.   Yet, all persons, in my view, were now very much impacted by autism and the need for investigation into vaccination safety and I could not let these issues be swept under the carpet.  It would take all of mankind to address these issues.  Given Washington’s past failings in addressing issues relating to autism, I had no choice but to choose this route in making these concerns known – and I hoped all readers understood that.  Autism and disease control were not simply American issues.  These issues impacted all societies – all nations!  :o(

I had simply wanted to understand my son… and in doing so, my own personal journey led me to paths I could not have imagined.  I had not wanted to create a panic among parents or any other adult.   In spite of the fact that there existed very real concerns in issues of vaccination safety, the fact also very much remained that



The pharmaceuticals could not be allowed to ship existing stocks of mercury vaccines to less developed nations!  All these vaccines had to be recalled – worldwide!


Prior to having been given the MMR, children had been exposed to extraordinary levels of mercury.   If my theory was correct in that the various parts of the brain were basically acting independently from one another as a result of mercury exposure, then, a child’s ability to fight the measles, mumps and rubella could certainly have been seriously hampered with the brain unable to properly communicate with the immune system to generate the appropriate response to this vaccine.


The pros and cons of all issues presented in these materials would now have to be weighed by all societies.  We could continue to deny these issues, and engage in what were smokescreen “congressional hearings”, or admit the problem and move forward in addressing these issues.  Needless to say, I was also very much in favor of campaign finance reform.   The pharmaceutical industry had shown quite well the devastating effects of allowing big business to run Washington.

I had prayed a great deal through all this and done what I knew was the right thing to do by raising these concerns.  We could no longer hide from these issues.   Surely many in society would have preferred “not knowing".   Yet, the safety of one’s health and the health of one’s family, was a very personal matter – and as such, I felt issues of vaccination safety had to be raised for all.  Understanding the issues, after all, was the first step in addressing them.

It was now time for all of society to TAKE A VERY DEEP BREATH – AND A HUGE STEP BACK –  and now determine how to best proceed!

The fact was that vaccinations were not all bad – life expectancies had greatly been increased as a result of vaccinations and disease control!  Sure, there were also issues in terms of quality of life – there was no denying that.   But, the fact did remain that there were many life-threatening illnesses and potential epidemics that had been kept in check by vaccinations.  Vaccinations were not all bad – I think we could all agree on that issue.   But, I believed we could all agree that much more needed to be done in the area of vaccination safety as well, especially in terms of mercury, aluminum and the potential interaction of certain viruses as seemed to be the case in the MMR.


The troubles we now faced had not surfaced overnight.   Mercury had been in vaccinations for close to 70 years and children had steadily been exposed to greater and greater amounts of this toxic substance at ever increasing rates as the number of immunizations increased, immunization schedules were more greatly compressed and the pharmaceuticals chose to use multiple dose vials – adding mercury as an agent to kill bacteria that could set in once the vial had been punctured for the first shot to be given.    As this situation had not surfaced overnight, neither would these problems be resolved overnight  – but, first steps could certainly be taken to make an immediate impact and those steps had to include immediate recalls of all mercury containing vaccines as well as a complete review of vaccination schedules to ensure all children at least had a functioning liver - producing bile - to help with detoxification matters prior to the administration of vaccinations.  The road ahead would be a long and difficult one, but certainly not an insurmountable one! 

I hoped all adults saw that working together was - truly – our only option – our only way to ensure both recovery of the autistic and – indeed – our very survival as well, in matters of disease control!

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Copyright 2002-2008 All materials I provide on this site including several key words and phrases are copyrighted materials.  All rights reserved.  Please see Use of Materials for more on this issue.  For general comments/questions, contact me at jbrohart@hotmail.com 

Things have a tendency to disappear on the Internet, but I can often find where the information has been moved or find replacement links addressing the same issue.  There is a lot of information provided on this site and any assistance with broken links is most appreciated.   My site has now been hacked twice.   If you get bounced to sites for online drugs, etc., report this to me at once using the above email as this is a result of hacking on my site.  This had nothing to do with me and/or my site.  Read more on hacking issue.

DISCLAIMER - The statements here mentioned and/or found in my materials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other government agency or person in the medical field or in behavior therapy and are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any illness/disorder and/or behavior.  This information is not intended as medical advice or to replace the care of a qualified healthcare physician or behavior therapist.  Always consult your medical doctor or behavior therapist.  All information provided by Jeanne A. Brohart on her website is for INFORMATION PURPOSES and to GENERATE DISCUSSION ONLY and should not be taken as medical advice or any other type of "advice".  Information put forth represents the EXTENSIVE RESEARCH and OPINIONS of a mother based on her experiences and research and provides information as it relates to one family's journey with autism in hopes that other families may benefit from this experience and/or research.  The creator of this site is not responsible for content on other sites.

DISCLAIMER - PART II - Now... for those of you who think "mother at home researching" means "uneducated person with unfounded information"... I have 10 years of university... 3 degrees... and over 30,000 hours of research into these areas.   For anyone who thinks my research is "unfounded"...  read the RESEARCH FILE posted on my home page... with its over 1,000 references ... for your reading pleasure... because... quite clearly... you haven't read it yet!    

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