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Note to readers:   These materials are those being collated for "paper copies" of this information... but wanted to include here as well.

There are several key behavioral, social, emotional and sensory issues that can be explained by my theory of the importance of order, partiality verses the whole, and labeling in the life of the autistic child.    The numerous issues explained by my theory are listed in the table below.     We will be reviewing each of these sections in the remainder of the materials provided. 

This document is a work in progress.  Given that this theory is so new to everyone, including myself, there will be periodic updates to these materials.    Readers can always get the latest on each of these issues by going directly to my website:  What I provide in these materials, however, is certainly more than enough to help parents see how all of these issues fit together when examined in terms of the inability to process partiality. 

The table below comes from my website section entitled:  Autism:  Is This The Missing Linkă?  Going forward, I will simply refer to this section as “The Missing Linkă”.  This section provides a listing of specific issues that can be explained by my theory.  In contrast, the link I called:  A World Of Orderă groups or “lumps” related issues.   This link is located just below “The Missing Linkă” on my website.  The information behind both links is virtually the same.  It is simply that I wanted to provide a “specific list” for parents who have an interest in very specific issues… and The Missing Linkă provides for that specific “listing of issues” explained. 

In these materials, after reviewing all issues explained by my theory, I also provide for readers exercises I do at home to help my autistic son deal specifically with issues of partiality processing.  The information provided in these exercises again clearly shows that partiality is indeed at the root of many issues for the autistic child.   

Issues explained by my theory are as follows: 

Spinning/Ceiling Fans

Lack of speech development in some but not all (addressed under "Teaching Language)

Parents - please read updates in this section... very interesting stuff - at least in my opinion.  :o) BREAKING THE CODE! 

Odd Behaviors

Other Behaviors Explained

Always "starting over"...  

The "interrupted task"

Dislike of certain food textures (Addressed under Sense of Touch)

Types of speech used (use of labels and commands versus conversation) (addressed under Teaching Language - update to this section added 08-08-02 - in red near end of section)

I also touched on this issue in chapter 16 of my first book (this chapter is approximately 15 pages long)

Inability to express and/or perceive emotions properly (addressed under emotions)

Visual Stims (Addressed under Spinning)

Also read sections on:

1) Breaking Eye Contact and "Looking Through You" (updated 08-08-02)

2) Coping Mechanisms In The Autistic Child:  Breaking Eye Contact!

3) Inability To Look At Self In The Mirror

Echolia (repetition of words) (addressed under Nonsense Language)

Tantrums/Violent outbursts (addressed under emotions)

Always running away... (addressed under breaking eye contact)

Nonsense language

I Don't Like To Be Touched!... Issues With Clothing and Hugging!

 Also addressed under "Odd Behaviors".


Socialization /Interaction Issues

Inability to hold a conversation (addressed under Teaching Language)

Aggression (addressed under emotions)

Auditory Issues... The "Deaf Child", "Unexpected Sounds", etc.

Inability to remember a sentence or to answer a question (addressed under Teaching Language)

Issues with potty training (why it's usually so late)

Hang flapping - simply another coping mechanism in the autistic child!

Issues with specific concepts (same/different, colors, etc.)

Issues with sharing

No fear of danger/safety issues.  Safety issues are also Addressed under Odd Behaviors. 

Need to turn "all pages in a book" at once – apparent inability to  learn and sit still (Addressed under eye contact.  Also see Odd Behaviors)


DANGER of pretend or imaginary play - the "non-real"

Fascination with alignment of objects (Addressed under Odd Behaviors)

Lack of pointing with finger

Inappropriate play (with toys, etc.)- addressed under odd behaviors as well as under spinning )

Inability to handle a process

Difficulty drinking from a cup or straw

Apparent inability to lie

Love of puzzles, trains (Addressed under Odd Behaviors)

Also see:  Breaking The Code!

Issues with brushing of teeth

Peeling of labels from cans, removing of band-aids from skin, constant "picking" at scabs on skin (addressed under Odd Behaviors)

Screaming (Addressed under emotions)

Issues with cutting of hair

Issues with lack of flexibility (i.e., direction changes, doing anything "differently") (Addressed under Odd Behaviors)

Issues with discipline

Constant running back and forth (Addressed under Odd Behaviors)

Fascination with captions rather than the movie (Addressed under Odd Behaviors)

Also see:  Breaking The Code!

Inappropriate use of stairs (Addressed under Odd Behaviors)

Issues with dressing self


Why some therapies seem to work

(i.e., Routines -  Why They're Not The Key! Hand Over Hand, Auditory Therapy, Pressure Therapy, PECS, etc.)


Exercises I Do At Home

Note:  This is a work in progress.   I'll add more to this list over time... so, keep checking back on my website:


Also See:

My first book

Saving Zachary:  The Death And Rebirth Of A Family Coping With Autism


At the time I wrote my book, I thought “order” was the issue – and it was – but what I failed to see that the issue was specifically with a subset of order – the inability of the autistic to handle the ordering function as it relates specifically to partiality.

My first book will help all readers understand our family’s journey and what led me to see autism in a new light!   The second book is what really puts everything together in terms of explaining so many issues based on one common thread!

When I wrote my book, "Saving Zachary", I thought the issue was primarily one of "order".  Many parents wrote me and said they agreed with my conclusions.  Yet, many parents wrote to me and said that their children did not seem to have issues with "order".   That troubled me greatly.   How could I be so easily able to turn my son basically on and off like a switch -a little boy who had characteristics so common to all autistic children - and yet, so many other parents were not seeing what I saw.  I continued to look for the answer…and found it!

We've all been told that "every autistic child is different", yet, the fact that they were all similar "enough" in so many aspects that they could all have "the same label" told me that there was truly something "at play here" for ALL these children.   I knew in my heart that "order" was definitely involved - and it is - but what I had failed to see at the time I wrote my first book was that the issue involved more than the simple concept of  "order" - that the issue lay more specifically with a subset of order - order as it relates to the processing of "partiality".    That, in my opinion, is the KEY to it all!!! -  and when I came to that realization,  almost all (99%) the pieces of the puzzle suddenly fell into place.   There are still a few things I can't explain - but very few - those few pieces dealing specifically with what I believe are truly sensory issues.   Issues with the processing of partiality, however, also explain many issues we all once saw as simply "sensory" in nature.  

In many cases, what was once thought of as "sensory issues" are not "sensory" issues at all -many of these issues, too, can be traced back to the inability to process the partial in anything.  

I do firmly believe that autistic children do have an assaulted immune system and that casein and gluten, (and in many cases, phenols) are also definite issues for the autistic child, creating a natural opiate or "drug induced state".  These physical issues, too, need to be addressed by all parents.  Issues of diet and the immune system are things I consider "physical" issues and, indeed, some do fall in the "sensory issues" category as well.   Those are not the issues explained by this theory as these are truly "physical or sensory" in nature, their root problem lying in the physical processing of foods within the body. 

I, however, am concerned with the specific breakdown of a specific function within the brain - and how mental processing as it relates to the processing of the “parts to a whole” is impacted in the autistic child.     There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the immune system and overall physical functioning of the digestive process are greatly impacted in the autistic child.  My focus, however, is with mental processing and how it affects all aspects of life for the autistic child.   There are many excellent sites that discuss immune system and digestive system issues in the autistic.  The site of the US Autism Ambassador,  is one such site.  My intent is not to review or redo all that information... it is already out there.   My intent is to introduce information as it pertains to mental processing... specifically, information that relates to the processing of partiality  - information that has never before been put forth.  Others have put forth their theories on how the immune and/or digestive system are impacted in autism... what I put forth is a theory on how the brain's functioning itself is impacted!

When so many of the non-physical (here defined as non-diet or non-immune system) issues in the autistic child are examined in terms of how they relate "parts to a whole" you can't help but come to the conclusion that "partiality" is an issue for ALL autistic children and lies at the root of almost all their behavioral, social and emotional issues and can explain many of their  "sensory issues" as well.   There is really no denying that once you understand this issue!  Indeed, unless taught productive coping mechanisms, such as the use of labeling, words to cope, "degrees" in everything, the "in between situation", the autistic child, in my opinion,  will remain a child frustrated by his surroundings and unable to optimally cope with or adapt to his world - a child who will continue to feel and be completely misunderstood by those around him.

I hope visitors will read my first book to fully understand my journey in coming to the conclusion I did.  At the writing of my first book, I had a partial answer... now, I have a much more complete answer.   The first book was but a first step that put me on the right track and I'd like as many readers as possible to understand the background to my thinking, although simply going through the information I collated since the writing of my first book, under The Missing Link©: Things Explained and "A World Of Order©" will surely help parents see the issue in and of itself.   This information is now provided in my second book:   The Misunderstood, Neglected Yet Critical Role Of Order, Partiality, Labeling, Color And Motion In The Life Of The Autistic Child.

Since writing my first book, I have come to look for the role of order and partiality in every aspect of my son... and sure enough it is always there, playing a critical function in his moments of frustration as well as in everything in which he takes so much joy.    As such, I have done a great deal of work since I wrote my first book.   It is this work I share with you in this collation of materials and my second book.  

I look at autism in a whole new light now... the first book was "close", but still not "on target".   Now, in the second book, I provide the critical nugget - partiality  - and the next logical step - to show other parents that herein lies the key to so many issues for our children and to provide help to assist parents in the recovery of their children as quickly as possible.  

What is amazing about my theory is that ONE thing explains so much... how the brain processes the part from the whole... a function that has to do with the ordering of information... whether that information is reflected in or considered a behavioral, social, emotional, or sensory aspect of life makes no difference!  Truly, so many issues are explained by this theory about the processing of partiality that it is certainly a major piece of the autism puzzle.  :o) 

This one factor explains issues in all spectrums because the issue is one of how things are mentally processed... not an issue specific to behavior, emotion, socialization, or physical sensation (although I do believe there are a few aspects of autism that are, in my opinion, "truly sensory in nature").  This one issue alone, the inability to understand the whole without first understanding the parts that make up the whole, explains many issues, as outlined in my link called:  The Missing Linkă.   Yet, for decades, no one saw the ONE thing all these issues had in common!   In trying to look at the whole picture, the whole puzzle of autism, we failed to see that the underlying issue was actually one dealing with the processing of parts as they relate to the whole.  Perhaps this explains why this critical issue has so long been allusive – why it has for so long - been completely missed!   In looking at the whole, we, too, failed to see the parts that made up the whole.   All these issues seemed so unrelated... but, when examined in view of the function of partiality processing in the brain, they are all COMPLETELY related!

For the autistic child - in absolutely everything - it is my opinion that before the "entity" or the "whole" can be understood there needs to be an understanding of the "parts" that make up the whole.   "Parts" really cannot "stand on their own" - they must first be viewed as "entities in and of themselves" before they can be integrated into the "whole".   That's why, in my opinion, labeling everything is so critical to these children. 

When you label something, even something that is a "part" of something else, that label creates for that "part" a "whole entity" in and of itself.   Thus, labeling can be a tremendous help with behavioral issues but it is also, in my opinion, the key to every other aspect of life for the autistic child.  Labeling is the one tool parents can truly use to their advantage in recovering their autistic child.

What was so difficult to see until now is that the inability to cope with the partial as "part of an entity" affects absolutely every aspect of the child's life... his behavior, his ability to communicate, his emotions, his sensory processing and his overall social interaction.... and it is this inability to understand the whole without first understanding "the parts" that is the common thread that appears to explain almost everything we see in the autistic child, including the intense frustration that is so much a part of their daily life!  

These children, I believe, are constantly trying to "break the code©", to understand the parts to the whole, and herein, lies for parents, the opportunity to best help their children recover from autism - simply by helping them to "break the code©" in everything, by helping them see exactly how all the parts fit together to form a whole - be that in behavioral, social, emotional or sensory issues - the idea is the same for all aspects of the child's life.

For example, there are parents who state that their children have learned to read on their own but have yet to understand the alphabet.   How can this be?  This is indeed all very fascinating!   Amazingly, these children have in effect "partially broken the code" on their own yet, they still have no understanding of the symbols behind the code - the alphabet.   Thus, "breaking the code" is a continuously frustrating task for them in that they have "some" understanding of "the code" we all know as the alphabet, but without truly understanding how it relates to communication in general and acts as the basic building block on which all other communication is built, these children, in my opinion, will continue to struggle until "the code" is fully understood.  The same is true for everything else in the life of the autistic child… everything from how objects and people are perceived to the mysteries of language, social interaction, etc.   It’s all, in my opinion, one and the same – all an issue with the inability to understand the whole without first understanding the parts that make up the whole.

I will warn parents – the materials you are about to read get to be very overwhelming - when you finally see and truly understand just how completely impacted the autistic child is by the inability to properly perform ONE task in his brain - the proper processing of "partiality"... to automatically put "the parts" together to form "the whole".  Yet, parents can find comfort in knowing that understanding the problem is the first step to addressing the problem… and there is much that can be done to help these children.   Being able to focus on a specific issue will allow parents and therapists, in my opinion, to be much more effective in the recovery of these children than have been past approaches that were too often “hit and miss” because nothing seemed to link any of the issues together in terms of what we saw in the autistic child – until now! 

 I believe that it is paramount parents understand the critical yet so misunderstood role of order, partiality, and labeling in the autistic child.   Pretty well all behavioral issues, social issues, emotional issues and many sensory issues I see in my child I can explain by this issue with the "partial" and the very critical need for labels in everything (labels and fractions are, in my opinion, a parent's greatest tools because they help the child understand the concept that "parts" once given a label, can stand as entities in and of themselves).  

This truly explains also why those things which have no order, things like conversation and social interaction are the biggest problem areas for these kids and yet, why autistic children often easily surpass "normal" children in areas dealing with specifics and the "ordered".  

Certainly, some parents will say that math is an issue or stumbling block for their child... or learning language... but, I am of the strong belief that the issue may not be the "math" or the "physical ability" to communicate itself but rather that the issue lies more in teaching these things in the "proper building blocks approach".   If not taught in a specific order, then, I believe, the child cannot "break the code©" and grasp the concept.   The teaching of ALL concepts must be done in a very specific manner for the child to move on and progress and grasp the next concept for each subject.  

My theory also explains why we see so much “variation” among autistic children… that some are strong in certain areas yet weak in others.   Hence, parents have adopted the all too familiar phrase “every child is different”.   That’s true, but this is true of all children… not simply of autistic children.   Therefore, as parents of the autistic, we need to focus on those areas of similarity among the autistic, for therein lies the answer to the puzzle. 

I believe some parents "stumble" on the right way to teach something and so their child progresses in that area but if they fail to "stumble" upon the proper order in another area, then that child has difficulty moving on.   The KEY lies in knowing HOW to teach something based on the need for order and the difficulty with "the partial" or anything "not labeled".   The world of the autistic child necessitates that everything come with a label... and the proper, often exact, label (at least in the beginning)... to allow them to separate the parts as necessary to then be able to see how they fit together to form the whole! 

What I am advocating here is not a cure for these children.    The information I provide will give your child coping mechanisms and will bring sanity back to your life in that you will so much more completely understand your child.   To provide a cure, the brain itself would have to be "fixed" or "rewired" somehow.   I don't believe anyone knows how to do that.  

In closing this introductory section on my theory, I want to emphasize a special warning to parents.   The brain is a complicated, intertwined organ.  Yet, we have many "research labs" and of course, the pharmaceuticals, who are quick to tell us they understand so much about the brain.   The pharmaceuticals, especially, are quick to show us their "brain studies" providing "evidence" that specific drugs are apparently "of value" for specific brain function ailments.   I urge all parents to learn to question these studies.  In my opinion, they are often very deceptive in what they put forth.  

For example, there have been studies that show specific drugs "help with aggression" in autistic children.  Yet, what the studies fail to tell you is that the drug in question is a tranquilizer and thus, yes, I would expect aggression to decrease in the autistic when given this drug... but, I would expect that to be true in ANYONE... not just the autistic child.   It is critical parents learn to question these studies and read between the lines... and learn to look for "what you're not being told", because, herein, all too often, lies the truth about such studies.  :o) 

To any parent who would be quick to believe the many "half truths" that come out of these organizations and studies, I encourage you to read the following very carefully... and in whole.   The information under my sections entitled: All Those Brain Studies and, especially, Question Everything, will help you see things in a whole new light when it comes to "what we know of the autistic brain" and "how to help it"... or what we know of the "normal brain" for that matter!    Indeed, if my theory is correct, many of these so called "brain studies" are now "out the window", as explained in my section, All Those Brain Studies, also provided in this documentation.

We will now take a closer look at just exactly how so much is explained by my theory of the autistic child and his inability to process “the whole” without first understanding “the parts”.  The journey you are about to take through the rest of these materials, I hope will be just as exciting for you as it was for me.   To finally understand your child is truly priceless and I hope these materials help in a quicker recovery for many children and thus bring great joy to autistic children and their parents everywhere!    For your child to sense he is finally understood is rewarding indeed!   :o)

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Copyright 2002-2008 All materials I provide on this site including several key words and phrases are copyrighted materials.  All rights reserved.  Please see Use of Materials for more on this issue.  For general comments/questions, contact me at 

Things have a tendency to disappear on the Internet, but I can often find where the information has been moved or find replacement links addressing the same issue.  There is a lot of information provided on this site and any assistance with broken links is most appreciated.   My site has now been hacked twice.   If you get bounced to sites for online drugs, etc., report this to me at once using the above email as this is a result of hacking on my site.  This had nothing to do with me and/or my site.  Read more on hacking issue.

DISCLAIMER - The statements here mentioned and/or found in my materials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other government agency or person in the medical field or in behavior therapy and are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any illness/disorder and/or behavior.  This information is not intended as medical advice or to replace the care of a qualified healthcare physician or behavior therapist.  Always consult your medical doctor or behavior therapist.  All information provided by Jeanne A. Brohart on her website is for INFORMATION PURPOSES and to GENERATE DISCUSSION ONLY and should not be taken as medical advice or any other type of "advice".  Information put forth represents the EXTENSIVE RESEARCH and OPINIONS of a mother based on her experiences and research and provides information as it relates to one family's journey with autism in hopes that other families may benefit from this experience and/or research.  The creator of this site is not responsible for content on other sites.

DISCLAIMER - PART II - Now... for those of you who think "mother at home researching" means "uneducated person with unfounded information"... I have 10 years of university... 3 degrees... and over 30,000 hours of research into these areas.   For anyone who thinks my research is "unfounded"...  read the RESEARCH FILE posted on my home page... with its over 1,000 references ... for your reading pleasure... because... quite clearly... you haven't read it yet!   Breaking The Code - Putting Pieces In Place!©