Where Do I Go From Here?

Where Do We.. As A Society... Go From Here?

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My area of interest now lies in providing tools for the autistic based on specific brain structure and function.   For example, to teach language, it is my opinion, that motion needs to be used.   This certainly could explain why up to 50% of the autistic are nonverbal and why some can communicate via motion (sign language).   Thus, I will be looking for programmers to work with me.

Ideally, I would like to have programmers who are parents of the autistic work with me.   Unless someone contributes to these efforts directly, programmers would have to contribute their time, as I have done.   The programs generated would then be made available for free, via Internet downloading, to the entire autism community.   In return, parents of the autistic could help us with "testing".  To do that, however, will require servers, computers, programmers...etc.   If we can put a few teams together, I believe we can accomplish great things for the autistic in many areas - especially in terms of scientific research and in actually helping to recover these children via tools geared specifically to the autistic.  

The fact is that autistic children, in my opinion, now hold the keys to moving science forward at lightning speed... as such, they need to be provided with help in return for what they contribute to society.   Currently, the autistic are viewed only as a "cost" to society... they can however, be the key to saving society, literally hundreds of billions in medical research, rehabilitation, etc. via the insights they can now provide into the workings of the human brain and body.

Many of these children suffer from diabetes, Downs syndrome, or other ailments.   The fact that they are somewhat different in their disorder truly provides a great opportunity for science also.   For example, children with greater issues with specific senses, for example, the sense of touch, may be the best children to study matters dealing with touch (paralysis, etc.).   All autistic children have immune system issues... as such, in my opinion, all are candidates or helping us understand autoimmune disorders, such as AIDS and cancer. 

With this potential, however, comes the potential for abuse of the autistic from a research perspective.   As such, again, I caution all parents and/or relatives of those with autism/Alzheimer's to be very careful in who they allow to have study their loved ones.  It is because of this, that again, I believe the "family" community  of those with Alzheimer's and autism needs to become one powerful, united family... in matters of research also!    If we want independent research, we will need to do what it takes to get independent research.  

Parents and family members of the autistic have within them what will be needed to help our loved ones... now, we just need to make that happen by being very careful about who we allow to study our children (where those children must be there physically).   Providing medical records is one thing... allowing for our children to have MRIs, blood tests, etc. is quite another!   So, let's use that "control" mechanism we have as parents and loved ones to our advantage!

The parent autism community is a very informed community thanks to newsletters, etc.   Parents have a very good understanding of who is doing work to move autism forward and who is "spinning wheels" in attempts, in my opinion, to shield the pharmaceuticals and government agencies involved in vaccination programs from liability.

Families of the autistic have within them the power to control a great deal... if they stand united!   We need to support independent research... and be united in who we will allow to study our loved ones!   No study, in my opinion, is better than tainted study!  The strongest message we could give to the pharmaceutical industry would be to immediately pull our loved ones from their studies!

To those who think that my position in this matter is "drastic" or "socially unethical" or "irresponsible" in any way, I have but this reply:

How long have we been lied to?  How many times do we need to study the same things and spin our wheels?   For example, we know that glutamate levels are low in those with autism and Alzheimer's.  Well, how many times do we need to prove that?   There is too much "work" or "research" (and I use those terms lightly) going on to prove what has already been proven time and time again.   I think that if 100 reputable studies have been done by experts in the areas of autism/Alzheimer's to show that low glutamate levels exist in these persons, that should be more than enough for us to go on to the next step... to determine how to return those glutamate levels to normal.   The same is true of absolutely every other area of study.   By WASTING  our money doing the same thing over and over again, we are failing to move forward.   You can't move forward if your wheels are spinning!   I think one HUGE study to monitor "low glutamate" level and any changes in that trend would be plenty each year!   We don't need hundreds or thousands of studies around the world to show what has already been shown time and time again!  We need to move on!

The goal of scientific research is not to keep people employed... it is to move science forward!   Thus, we need to stop doing the obvious... those things that do nothing to move us forward need to be kept at a minimum... "monitoring only" type level... and the only way we will be able to do that is if we are selective in who we allow to study our children and our elderly with Alzheimer's.  

The simple fact is that it is not in the interest of those in the  pharmaceuticals and those in government agencies involved in vaccination programs to get to the bottom of the autism-vaccination link.   This is clearly evident from the Simpsonwood meeting that took place in 2000. 

For more on the Simpsonwood meeting and what was said by representatives of the FDA, the CDC, the pharmaceuticals, etc. behind closed doors, I encourage all visitors to go to the following link.    In my opinion, what was said behind closed doors at this "let's keep this confidential meeting" speaks volumes when it comes to the integrity of those involved in these issues. 

As such, I don't expect them to... but, we, the parent community, certainly can move in that direction by demanding that public funds go to independent research and, ultimately, to organization where we, as the impacted family can best provide direction as to what WE want to see studied.   As such, I encourage all persons who wish to make donations for autism/Alzheimer's research to funnel those funds to known experts in autism to get the money to those dedicated to truly getting to the bottom of this.   Money has a way of tainting people and research... as such, the autism family needs to be very selective in controlling that money... and the subjects needed for that study.   No subjects = no study.  

There are plenty of scientists we can have doing research... not all research needs to stop... only unproductive, and in my opinion, what I see as a great deal of "deceptive research", too!

I think society is definitely owed answers in these matters of mercury and aluminum!!!    Yet, I fear the only way to truly get to the bottom of this, is to take money and politics out of research and that will be a difficult task indeed... unless of course, impacted family members choose to no longer participate in research sponsored by the pharmaceuticals or government agencies associated with vaccination programs.  

No research participants = no money = no study = no bogus research findings to fight = a major playing card for families of the autistic and those with Alzheimer's.

In my opinion, no "pill" is going to fix these overwhelming issues in our loved ones.

There are things families can do to stop this madness... and being selective in terms of who we allow to "study" our loved ones is a GREAT first step toward getting independent studies.   There are hundreds of billions at stake in research... it is time families insisted on INDEPENDENT research!  

I think we can all rest assured that the pharmaceutical industry and indeed, our own government, will not be funding research into the effects of  mercury and aluminum in vaccinations/shots... after all... our government, there "for the people" has not done so in over 80 years!!!   Why would they do so now - especially since the government is now trying to seal records relating to vaccine injury lawsuits? 

It is time the citizens of this nation demanded significant public funds be allocated to independent research!  We can spend hundreds of billions on "homeland security"... but, are we safe when we appear to be destroying ourselves via our own "healthcare" system!

The government argues that we need the pharmaceuticals to fight deadly diseases.   I would argue that we do not need the pharmaceuticals per se... we need organizations dedicated to eliminating disease while still ensuring public health.   As such, given the social catastrophe we now appear to have on our hands, if the government is worried about the pharmaceuticals having to declare bankruptcy, I say:  "let them declare bankruptcy" and then have the government take over this industry as a healthcare research organization.   We don't need the "pharmaceuticals" per se as "for profit agencies"... we need the science and the goal of exterminating deadly diseases... there is a big difference.   There have been many corporations that have declared bankruptcy... many that were huge.   If vaccine injury lawsuits force the pharmaceuticals to declare bankruptcy - I quite honestly, have no problem with that.   I see that as the perfect opportunity to reorganize healthcare research in this country.   There is no difference between this industry "going under" or any other.   If it is of their own fault that they "go down", then so be it.   Then, let the government take over and overhaul all scientific research so that it is INDEPENDENT and not tied to "for profit" organizations.  

In my opinion, there should be no "government bailout" of the pharmaceutical industry if they are forced to "go under".   It is the families that have been devastated we need to "bail out"... not those who may have caused this social catastrophe in the first place.  In my opinion, bankruptcy in the pharmaceuticals  would be the perfect time to "clean house" and reorganize scientific research in this country - something we are clearly very much in need of!

The pharmaceuticals have gone from a 20 billion dollar industry to an over 260 billion dollar industry in just 15 years... it is time some of that money was used to compensate those who have been injured by the products of this industry.  

A vaccine injury fund of less than 2 billion, in my opinion, is nothing but a drop in the bucket in terms of what is needed.    I am very much of the opinion that Alzheimer's is nothing more than autism in the elderly.   As such, I would argue that this government has a new "war" on its hands - on its own soil - and that war is called:  "autism".

Let us look at a few "cost of war" figures for various "war" efforts:

Potential War With Iraq

Homeland Security

General War Stats

War Statistics (Kosovo)

Drug Rehab Stats

Throw in there all those "other costs" to society in terms of research, lost worker production, healthcare for those afflicted, and clearly, we can not continue to sustain the "costs of autism" without a major overhaul in terms of how we handle healthcare in this nation.  It has been estimated that Alzheimer's costs society close to 100 billion a year, I suspect autism is not far behind given that to educate one autistic child has been estimated to cost school systems anywhere from 20,000 to 25,000 a year (and I suspect that this is only for the very "basics" and nothing in terms of actual behavior therapy, etc.).   If you throw in there behavior therapy, the cost of that can be anywhere from $35,000 to $50,000 per year for families who can afford that.   Add the cost of supplements, etc. and I am sure we can all agree that the figures, once again, become unmanageable - especially given the overwhelming increase in both autism and Alzheimer's.   When you start adding all this stuff, surely, we are in the hundreds of billions of dollars.  

In my opinion, things really will not change until we take the "profit" out of healthcare research.  

I urge all family members of victims with Alzheimer's and autism to remember that in deciding who can "study" their loved ones and the next time they vote!   INDEPENDENT research, in my opinion, will be the ONLY way to get to the bottom of this.  

Dr. Wakefield and Dr. Singh - both among the best in autoimmune disorders -  are obviously two researchers that deserve our full support in their efforts.   If you have money to help with independent research, please consider these two very dedicated scientists!

Understanding the immune system of the autistic and those with Alzheimer's is critical to ensuring their ultimate survival - especially given our current political environment. 

Dr. Singh, Ph.D. can be contacted at:

The Biotechnology Center, Department of Biology, Utah State University, 4700 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-4700 [E-mail: singhvk@biology.usu.edu].

Funds for Dr. Wakefield's research can be funneled through http://www.miaautism.org.  

Another scientist to support is heavy metals expert:

Dr. Boyd Haley

Dr. Haley has investigated the effects of mercury and aluminum in humans and is considered an expert in his field.   He, too, has heard the plight of parents of vaccine injured children and has tried repeatedly to warn the public of issues relating to vaccine safety when it comes to heavy metals in vaccines!   He has also testified on this issue in government reform hearings pertaining to vaccines.  

Boyd Haley also sees the possible link between mercury and Alzheimer's.


Boyd Haley can be reached at:

Email behaley@pop.uky.edu
Address 125 Chemistry-Physics Building 0055   UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY           LEXINGTON, KY 40506 · 859 257-9000 (main switchboard for university)
Phone 859 257-7082

I will continue to post the names of scientists who, in my opinion, are dedicated to getting to the bottom of vaccine safety issues.  Please consider these scientists first if you have any funds to donate for research!  :o)

In order to facilitate "email processing" for these scientists, please indicate "FUNDING FOR RESEARCH" as your subject header if you plan on contacting these persons to provide financial support for their work.     

I caution you to make sure you send any funds with a specific notation (i.e., for research on heavy metals and impact on body (for Boyd Haley), or something like "autism or Alzheimer's and immune system research" for Wakefield or Singh ) so that the funds are tied to the scientist... not the university.   Universities have a way of "re-allocating" resources or of getting rid of professors that may no longer be "politically correct"... or who "cost" the University in terms of lost grants, etc. tied to government sponsored or pharmaceutical sponsored programs.   Universities, unfortunately, can be as political as our political organizations - make no mistake about it!   We want to support our scientists... not our "institutions".    :o)

There are many "parent-led" organizations out there.  Unfortunately, too many of them, including very well known organizations, take money from the pharmaceuticals or have become nothing more than "marketing organizations" for products/services.   There is nothing wrong with supporting yourself, or trying to raise money, but in my experience, costs for classes, seminars, books, etc., have simply gone out of control.   Too many organizations seem to prefer "accumulating funds" as opposed to using those funds to help those most in need of our help.   Not all parents can afford expensive classes, etc.,... and, in my opinion, no family should be deprived of valuable information because of financial circumstances. 

It was because of my utter disgust at these "buy this or that" organizations that I wanted to provide a place to get information at no cost for all families of the autistic... and now, families of those with Alzheimer's... and because of this that I provided my books in full online - for free - to anyone who wanted to read them.  I truly hope my family's journey with autism will help you with yours.  I am certainly not independently wealthy... but, there are some things on which you simply can not put a price... and making life better for another person, for me, definitely falls into that category.  :o)

You may contact me, personally, if you would like to help support our efforts for the building of teaching tools for the autistic.   I am starting from scratch... but it only takes a couple of good programmers to get started... although, having worked with programmers in the past, I know I could easily keep 25 - 50 busy all by myself... LOL!  Good programmers can cost anywhere from 45.00 per hour to 150.00 per hour.   It all depends.    What I can do will obviously depend on how many people offer to help.    Parents of the autistic who are teachers in computer science classes could also help with this... by having autism become your "class projects" in terms of what you have your students code.  Why not have a computer class (ongoing each semester) geared to making products for the autistic?  There are many possibilities for getting this done... all I need are people dedicated enough to helping these children... people who are not afraid to do something out of the ordinary and who stand above the rest in ingenuity/creativity and determination to get things done.  :o)  

Obviously, persons who are parents of the autistic and who are willing to volunteer their time are those persons I first want to hear from.    Of course, organizations/companies that have programmers (Jump Start, The Learning Company, Broderbund, Microsoft) would be the best companies to assist us in these efforts.   But, again, the tools we create, I want to have made available to all the autistic via Internet downloads, for free... and thus, this is not a "for profit", "for sale" venture... although there is no denying that the same tools could certainly be sold to the public in general or to school systems to help them teach the autistic... so, yes, I suppose there could be business opportunities also in that sense... all brains are basically made the same way... so, surely what works for the autistic will provide invaluable insights in terms of teaching ALL children.  :o)

The following link provides the names of the Secretary/Minister of Health for all countries around the world... it will certainly provide everyone with a place to start in terms of writing letters or making phone calls to their offices to start asking for a change in the manner in which we investigate vaccine safety issues and research on autism and Alzheimer's.  :o)     I know what I would like to see happen (i.e., public funds diverted to INDEPENDENT research ONLY, the establishment of critical databases for research, communication, education tools, etc.), but, I am only one person.  :o)   Getting to the bottom of this will take all of us.

This issue is not simply an "American" issue - autism and Alzheimer's know no boundaries.   We need all citizens around the world to help make a change!


It is difficult for just one person to accomplish all this... but together, we can be a powerful force indeed... and a powerful voting block... and we have within us the capability to make a difference... because our motivation is that of love for our children... for our parents... for our grandparents... and that love provides the greatest determination and hope for all!  :o)

The autistic child - once the forgotten child -     now the key to so much!!!

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Copyright 2002-2008 All materials I provide on this site including several key words and phrases are copyrighted materials.  All rights reserved.  Please see Use of Materials for more on this issue.  For general comments/questions, contact me at jbrohart@hotmail.com 

Things have a tendency to disappear on the Internet, but I can often find where the information has been moved or find replacement links addressing the same issue.  There is a lot of information provided on this site and any assistance with broken links is most appreciated.   My site has now been hacked twice.   If you get bounced to sites for online drugs, etc., report this to me at once using the above email as this is a result of hacking on my site.  This had nothing to do with me and/or my site.  Read more on hacking issue.

DISCLAIMER - The statements here mentioned and/or found in my materials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other government agency or person in the medical field or in behavior therapy and are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any illness/disorder and/or behavior.  This information is not intended as medical advice or to replace the care of a qualified healthcare physician or behavior therapist.  Always consult your medical doctor or behavior therapist.  All information provided by Jeanne A. Brohart on her website is for INFORMATION PURPOSES and to GENERATE DISCUSSION ONLY and should not be taken as medical advice or any other type of "advice".  Information put forth represents the EXTENSIVE RESEARCH and OPINIONS of a mother based on her experiences and research and provides information as it relates to one family's journey with autism in hopes that other families may benefit from this experience and/or research.  The creator of this site is not responsible for content on other sites.

DISCLAIMER - PART II - Now... for those of you who think "mother at home researching" means "uneducated person with unfounded information"... I have 10 years of university... 3 degrees... and over 30,000 hours of research into these areas.   For anyone who thinks my research is "unfounded"...  read the RESEARCH FILE posted on my home page... with its over 1,000 references ... for your reading pleasure... because... quite clearly... you haven't read it yet!    

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